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For the Courageous Ones who
wants to thrive in Life & Business

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“Discover something beautiful on the inside of what you are, and then find a way to share that beauty with the world.” 

A New Company, by Tiger Singleton

Hey 👋, I started this company with an inspired focus… 

  • Create a space that encourages HeartBased humans to thrive in Life & Business. 

 My primary passion: 
to share insight and wisdom that helps people connect more deeply with themselves, others, and life. 

 My secondary passion:
 helping people start and grow a profitable business that adds genuine value to the world.
HeartBased Appreciation

Humble Praise

I have no words, just deep gratitude. Tiger created a beautiful journey that allowed me to connect with a space of acceptance and allowing. Thank you for sharing your amazing gifts here.
OMG! This was beyond amazing for me! It brought tears to my eyes and allowed me the energy to truly feel reconnected to myself! By far the best meditation journey I’ve experienced this far.
So helpful in finding freedom to enjoy life for what it is! Helpful reminders that too often we are responding to our imagination and fears instead of what really is. Thank you Tiger.
Josh Stobbard


See/Be/Do > Share something that adds genuine value, in the spirit of deep appreciation for Life and being human.
Living HeartBased, is to prioritize your ability to grow, connect, and play.

In Life, we are on a journey of constant growth that invites us to see ourselves, others, and life more clearly. As we do, there is a natural and inevitable consequence of more connection and enjoyment in our lived experience. 

In Business, we have the opportunity to share our unique value (experience, skills, & passions) in a way that contributes to the lives of others. Doing this well, being of genuine service, is the difference making when it comes to thriving as human beings. 

Learn + Courage > Grow

The willingness to grow; to look at the ways you limit and sabotage your human experience, and get out of your own way.

Be Open + Listen > Connect 

Put other people ahead of your imaginary sense of self-importance, and connect with the heart of the matter.

Share + Serve > Play

Transform your serious life, into a playful one. Go beyond taking things personally, and enjoy miracle of being alive.



“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.”

— Socrates

Our Primary Areas of Focus...

 Create online content and resources that inspire HeartBased humans to see and connect more deeply with themselves, others, and Life. 
 Educate, Inspire, and Support new or struggling HeartBased Solopreneurs, helping them gain clarity, get focused, and become profitable. 
 Build a strategic network and community of HeartBased Humans supporting other HeartBased Humans. 
Clarity of Purpose

Simply, we are creating something beautiful
and awesome.

Doing work we love, and
sharing it with the world.

“Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.” 
— Albert Schweitzer

Our Mission

Our mission is to empower, and positively impact, open-hearted individuals. We help people to connect deeply with themselves, others, and life, by providing them with the tools, resources, and support they need to thrive in both their personal and professional lives. By prioritizing personal growth, self-awareness, and mindfulness, we believe that everyone can create a purposeful and heart-based life and business that adds genuine value to the world.

Our Vision

Our vision is to be the ultimate destination for individuals who are deeply committed to personal and professional growth, with a twist that focuses on being connected to one’s heart. Our company has numerous partnerships with an expansive network that helps us execute our mission and fulfill our vision. 

HeartBased.io Values

Humility | Empathy | Awareness | Resilience | Teamwork

We Don’t Teach, we Share

We are not looking to be the authority in other people’s, nor do we claim to know what other people should or should not do. What we are, is a group of humans who deeply care, and we share our experiences and insights in a way that might help others clarify their path. 

Direct, Sincere, Compassionate

No nonsense, no hype, no judgment; just direct, sincere, and compassionate guidance that goes straight to the heart of being human, while honoring everyone’s unique path and journey. 

Not Serious, but Deeply Sincere

The work we do isn’t about reaching an outcome or collecting imaginary points that can be lost. Our work, the real prize, is in our commitment to serve the hearts of those who come into and trust our space. The work is deeply sincere, not serious. 

Leading by Example

Just as we hold space for others to grow and overcome challenges, we will also face our challenges and walk through them. We welcome these challenges with an open heart as they provide us with an opportunity to grow and increase the value we can share with others.

For the Sake of Play

The opportunity we have together, is to play together. We have been gifted the opportunity to add genuine value to people’s lives, a value that can transform their fear into love, and help them share that love with the world. This is the greatest play for us at HeartBased.io.

🤩 Sound… Cool?

The best place to start is to get plugged into our newsletter. We'll send you more details about our plan to support HeartBased humans, so they can thrive in both life and business.

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